Retirement Calculator

Are you aware of the necessary steps to build a solid foundation for your retirement? Look no further than our reliable retirement calculator, designed to assist you in creating a comprehensive retirement plan. Gain valuable insights into your retirement savings balance and accurately calculate your annual withdrawals.


Calculate your retirement savings and more

Retirement income inputs Retire at age 65 with 10% of annual savings

Current Age

This is the age you are currently.

Current Age:
15 40 65 90
Retirement Age

This is the age you plan to retire.

Retirement Age:
10 36 63 90
Annual After-Tax Income

This is your annual after-tax income before retirement.

Annual After-Tax Income:
$0 $330w $660w $1000w
Current Savings

Total amount that you currently have saved toward your retirement. Include all sources of retirement savings such as 401(k)s, IRAs and annuities.

Current Savings:
$0 $330w $660w $1000w
Expected Monthly Spending

This is your estimated monthly budget. According to many experts, the common baseline of retirement spending is 25x current monthly spending, which could make you feel confident about retiring.

Expected Monthly Spending:
40% 80% 120% 160%
Years of Retiremnent

Number of years you expect to live in retirement.

Years of Retiremnent:
1 34 67 100
Annual Savings

This is the percentage of your income prepared for the retirement.

Annual Savings:
0% 33% 66% 100%

Investment returns, taxes and inflation 7% pre-retirement, 4% in retirement, 2.9% inflation

Rate of Inflation

The rate of inflation you expect to experience.

Rate of Inflation:
0% 4% 8% 12%
Investment Returns Before Retirement

This is the rate of return you expect to earn on your investments before your entire retirement.

Investment Returns Before Retirement:
0% 4% 8% 12%
Investment Returns During Retirement

This is the rate of return you expect to earn on your investments in your retirement.

Investment Returns During Retirement:
0% 4% 8% 12%

Other Useful Calculators

  • 401(k) Calculator

  • IRA Calculator

  • Social Security Calculator